The City Youth Ambassador Network – Raising the voice of children and young people across Stoke-on-Trent, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to influence change at local, regional and national level. A FREE programme for all high schools in Stoke-on-Trent – Get involved today!
Becasue of COVID-19 CYAN are unable to meet, so we will use this platform to interact with our future leaders via technology and digital spaces.

City Youth Ambassador Network – Gone Digital

CYAN Update April 2020

Better Worlds Fesival VLOG
Better Worlds
Hello CYAN! Please find links to your activities below.
Assembly Workshops
The assemblies will be delivered Year 7s by the three key partners of the programme, YMCA North Staffordshire, Wavemaker and APM NCS. The assembly workshop will be offered to all high schools within the city.
The introduction sessions will outline a basic introduction to youth leadership, social action and digital campaigning. This platform will engage and inspire children who would not always get the opportunity to learn about leadership. These introduction sessions can take place at any time of the day that best suits the school’s need. There will also be an offer to each school to deliver a mini social action project and each establishment will receive £100 to deliver this.

Each school that participates in the Assembly Workshops will receive £100 to deliver a mini social action campaign within their school.
Each school will take a lead on this element and we will link the outcomes to that of PSHE / Citizenships so that schools are fulfilling curriculum outcomes. Schools can decide on how this is delivered and will receive a step by step guide to support the process.

Dragon’s Den – School Competition
All schools that have received funding will be invited to pitch to the Dragon’s Den. The dragons will be made up of members of the Post-16 Masterclass and this will be coordinated by APM NCS. Six schools who have displayed innovation and leadership will be offered 12-hours of leadership sessions delivered in their schools, relating to the curriculum through PSHE and citizenship.

Leadership Project
The Leadership Project will be delivered by the three main partners of the programme: – YMCA North Staffordshire, Wavemaker and APM NCS. The workshops will be delivered over 12 hours and we will work with schools to offer a flexible delivery model to ensure more children can be involved. The sessions will build on the original work and introduction from the assemblies and include;
- Digital skills for the future
- An interactive digital quiz
- Body talk – how to present yourself
- Campaigning
- Debating / public speaking
- Motivational speaker session
We will engage young people with the Youth Ambassador model and invite young people to put themselves forward to become one of the city’s first Youth Ambassadors.
All sessions will have lesson plans.

Dragon’s Den – Youth Ambassadors
Young people will then be invited to pitch to the dragons, made up of members of the Post 16 Masterclass and this will be governed by APM NCS as to why they, the young people should be chosen for the Youth Ambassador Training. APM NCS will work with the dragons to agree on what behaviours and characteristics they are searching for.

Youth Ambassador Leadership Residential and 12-Month Programme
The 12-month programme and leadership residential will be delivered by the key partners, YMCA North Staffordshire, Wavemaker, APM NCS, the post 16 coaches and additional guest speakers and specialist deliverers.
The residential will take place over the course of a weekend and this will provide an opportunity to build the capacity of the team and engage young people with further learning, building on work already undertaken.
Young people will be given a handbook, outlining all core sessions, touch points and activities for the following year. The programme for the year will deliver 120 hours of direct delivery with lots of exciting, inspiring, engaging opportunities and training including:
- Work regarding social action/campaigning and determining what their campaign is going to be for the year
- Technology connections with other youth leaders from around the world who are part of the World YMCA International Change Agent leadership initiative
- Why we need digital leaders – the ever-connected world / critical thinking / fake news / check your facts / connection and communication
- Digital tattoo – what’s your digital footprint
- Evaluation and measuring the impact
- Team dynamics
- London visit led by a city MP – where power is decided
- Host a question time to five primary schools pitched at year six
- Opportunities to speak at the national level
- Opportunities to represent young people locally through the Sentinel / Radio Stoke
- Receive recognition and attend a graduation event
- Inspire the next Youth Ambassadors through assembly delivery
- Support the Opportunities Area Debates
- Link directly into the Opportunities Area partnership representing the voice of young people and children
We believe in young people, and believe that this is a unique opportunity for your school and your students.
Please contact – to book an assembly today.
Our dedicated team will cater to your specific school’s requirements.
All staff have completed a DBS check and have completed core professional training including safeguarding and professional boundaries.
We have allocated additional resources to support the engagement of the PRU’s and SEN schools to ensure that we are breaking down any barriers to engagement.
The programme will help deliver:
Gatsby Benchmark 5
Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.
Citizenship Activites for Key Stage 3 to support delivery of the curriculum
With a well-planned and resourced citizenship/PSHE programme, taught by a specialist team, it is able to deliver many of the basic elements in the citizenship curriculum.